GET REFERENCE – Referenz zuweisen

get reference of my_var to my_ref

Hier ein Bsp. für GET REFERENCE und ->* (Dereferenzierung)

data: my_var type i value 4. "some data object
data my_ref type ref to i.     "some reference variable which can hold reference of objects type I

get reference of my_var to my_ref. "now my_ref "points" (holds reference) to my_var

"as you cannot directly address my_var via my_ref, you have to first dereference it (in order to get value behind it)
"for this you need field symbol which will hold the value
field-symbols <fs_value>.

assign my_ref->* to <fs_value>. "this will assign to field symbol <fs_value> value (->*) of MY_VAR which MY_REF points to
"now you can simply change the <fs_value> and it will reflect in my_var
<fs_value> = 5.

"this statements are equivalent
write: / <fs_value>, my_var.  "both are the same